” We have pointed out that, submitting people can be quite firm with friends and allies in getting this message across.38 When we come to prestige competition, the situation is more complex. People are motivated to encourage their allies to perform as well as possible, and in particular parents are motivated to push their children to optimal performance. Female macaques strive to
maintain their daughters in a social rank immediately below themselves;’62 but humans go one better, and parents are notorious for trying to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical launch their children into social orbits higher than their own station; this parental boosting of children must have evolved in the human lineage because of a correlation between social and reproductive success during the EEA. We can speculate that the parental boosting continues until it is switched off by a signal of distress from the child, indicating to the parent that it has passed its optimal performance and is now overmotivated. How can we Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical conceptualize the signal of distress in this situation? One possible answer is to make use of the Yerkes-Dodson Law, which relates performance to motivation. The Yerkes-Dodson Law This law states that, as motivation increases, performance
rises Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to a peak and then falls (Figure 1).63 In other words, the curve is an inverted U.This means that, for any given level of performance (except, for the peak), there are two possible readings for motivation, one below the peak, and one above it. The law also states that, the peak for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical easy tasks is at a higher level of motivation than the peak for difficult tasks. Yerkes and Dodson64 worked with mice and taught them to avoid a compartment of the cage in which they received
electric shocks: the mice learned better with moderate shocks than with either slight, or severe shocks. Also, when task difficulty was varied by XL184 nmr changing the relative brightness of the safe and shocked compartments, the mice learned faster with smaller shocks when the brightness difference was less, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical making the task more difficult. More recently, the law has been confirmed in human beings65; using baseball scores as a measure of performance, and the size of the audience (and the importance of the game) Rebamipide as a measure of motivation, researchers found that, performance improved as motivation increased; however, in very vital games with a huge audience, performance was reduced, when presumably the players were beyond the peak and on the descending limb of the curve. Figure 1. The inverted U-shaped curve of the Yerkes-Dodson Law. The single-shafted arrow represents the parents’ attempt to push the child up toward the peak of performance. The double-shafted arrow represents the actual effect of the parental pushing. Reproduced …