tularensis strain SCHU S4 b Primer sequence of primer Tuf1705 in

tularensis strain SCHU S4. b Primer sequence of primer Tuf1705 in marker 20-ISFtu2 and TUL-435 in marker 22-lpnA seem to be incorrectly specified Lazertinib clinical trial in [56]. See [37] and [59] for the correct primer sequences. c Insertion element present in multiple copies in reference. Only first position and gene specified. Figure 1 Overview of primer specificity. Weighted score of primer specificity calculated with penalties

for mismatches and gaps, where zero indicates a perfect match. The first column of each marker represents the forward primer score and the second represents the reverse primer score. The score was calculated with PrimerProspector as follows: 3’ mismatch, 1 penalty per mismatch (length of 3’ region was set to 5), non-3’ mismatch, (0.4 penalty per mismatch), last base mismatch (penalty 3 per mismatch), non 3’ gap (penalty 1 per gap) and 3’ gap (penalty 3 per gap). The primer

specificities of the 38 DNA markers were calculated, resulting in scores ranging from 0 to 7.2 (Figure 1). Importantly, the calculation was performed for check details Francisella species besides those included in the publication from which the marker originated. A primer score of zero represented a perfect match without any mispriming events or gaps, while the maximal score of 7.2 corresponded buy Selinexor to two mismatches in the 3’ region and a gap of 10 bases within the region targeted by a primer (see marker 21-ISFtu2). All primer scores are presented in Figure 1 and summarised in Table 2. The limit for possible amplification Histone demethylase was assumed to be a score value of two, in agreement with the NCBI Primer-BLAST default primer specificity stringency setting. Scores below two (<2) are denoted as low score and score above two (≥2) are denoted as high score [30]. Evaluation of DNA markers The marker 01-16S [14] targeting 16S rRNA was the only marker with a low score (<1) for all the investigated genomes. A total of nine markers (01-16S, 03-16S-Itr-23S, 04-16S-Itr-23S,

08-fabH, 18-groEL 23-lpnA, 25-mdh, 30-prfb and 35-tpiA) had scores < 2 in all subspecies. However, some of these markers, e.g. 23-lpnA, showed a clear difference in scores between clade 1 and clade 2, as clade 1 yielded almost perfect matches, while scores in clade 2 were always > 1. Most of the included primers amplified sequences of F. tularensis (including subspecies tularensis, mediasiatica, and holarctica) and F. novicida of clade 1 and less frequently amplified sequences of F. noatunensis and F. philomiragia, of clade 2. Fifteen markers (05-aroA, 07-dnaA, 11-fopA-in, 12-fopA-out, 13-fopA, 14-FtM19, 15-FtM19, 19-iglC, 22-lpnA, 26-mutS, 27-parC, 31-putA, 36-tpiA, 37-trpE and 38-uup) gave low scores for clade 1 and high scores for clade 2. Marker 38-uup also had low scores in one isolate of philomiragia, and the marker 19-iglC had low scores in F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis and in two isolates of F. philomiragia.

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