Other structural components of the flagellar basal body (FliF), a

Other structural components of the flagellar basal body (FliF), and C-ring (FliG, FliM, FliN) are also required for flagellum assembly. In addition, enteric gram-negative bacteria have a number of Selonsertib solubility dmso substrate-specific chaperones associated with the flagellar export apparatus (e.g. FlgN, FliT, FliS, FliJ). These proteins act in concert with the flagellar export ATPase FliI in translocating partially

unfolded substrates, such as the filament component flagellin, in an export-competent state through the basal body pore. Ultrastructural and biochemical investigations of the flagellar basal body and the Type III secretion TEW-7197 chemical structure system indicate that these systems have evolved from a common ancestor [3, 4]. In support of these observations,

most of the flagellar export components have conserved orthologues (ranging from 20–40% pairwise identity) in the Type III secretion PHA-848125 cost system of gram-negative pathogenic bacteria [5, 6], including FliI (InvC, HrcN etc.), FliH (YscL), FliN (HrcQB), and FlhA (SctV) [7–11]. Functions and molecular interactions similar to their flagellar counterparts have been demonstrated for some of the Type III export proteins (e.g. InvC to FliI, HrcQB to FliN, YscL to FliH) [7–13], and are generally assumed for the other components. For example, the Salmonella and H. pylori FliH proteins have been shown to interact with the highly conserved FliI ATPase [12–18] and the flagellar rotor C-ring protein FliN is also known to interact with FliH in Salmonella [9, 13]. In Type III secretion systems, the FliH homologue (e.g. YscL) has been shown to interact specifically

with the respective FliI homologue (e.g. YscN), as well as the corresponding FliN homologue, HrcQB [7–9, 12]. Salmonella FliH forms an elongated dimeric structure in solution [16, 18], and forms a (FliH)2FliI this website complex [16]. Residues 100–235 of Salmonella FliH are required for interaction with FliI, residues 101–141 of FliH are required for FliH dimerization, and FliH N-terminal residues contribute to binding to the enterobacterial flagellar chaperone FliJ [17]. In addition residues spanning amino acids 60–100 of FliH appear important for inhibition of FliI ATPase activity as deletion of residues 60–100 enhances FliI ATPase activity in vitro [17]. Furthermore, deleting either residues 70–80 or 90–100 of Salmonella FliH reduce the magnitude of FliI ATPase inhibition [17]. However, it is unclear how amino acids spanning residues 60–100 of Salmonella FliH affect FliI ATPase activity, although inhibition appears to be non-competitive in the related Type III system [19].

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