One additional sporulation-induced locus that was discovered through this study has already been reported, namely hupS (SCO5556) encoding a nucleoid-associated HU-like protein that influences nucleoid structure and spore maturation [30]. Figure 4 Gene organization along the chromosome of S. coelicolor for the seven new sporulation loci that are described in this paper. (A-G) Genes for which deletion find more mutants have been constructed are drawn in black. The immediately surrounding genes are shown in grey. DNA fragments used for complementation of deletion mutants are indicated by a line for loci SCO7449-7451 (F)
and SCO1774-1773 (G). For the SCO1774-1773 locus, the results of a semi-quantitative RT-PCR assay are summarized (H). The data are shown in Additional file 2: Figure S5. The presence of different kinds of transcripts in strain M145 is indicated for RNA prepared from vegetative and sporulating mycelium (H). The primer pairs used for RT-PCR (specified in Additional file 1: Table S1) are designated 1, 2, 3, and drawn as arrows. Detection of a transcript is indicated with a plus (+) and the Ku-0059436 order absence with a minus (-). The relative amount of the PCR product is indicated by one or two plus signs. The indicated sporulation induced P1774 promoter (G) was identified by S1 nuclease mapping (see Figure 6A). Figure 5 Quantitative real-time RT-PCR assays of selected genes. Specific primer pairs were used to amplify SCO0934, SCO1195,
SCO1773, SCO1774, SCO3857, SCO7449 , and hrdB from cDNA prepared from cultures of the parent M145 (marked with W), J2401 (whiA mutant, marked with A) and J2408 (whiH mutant, marked with H) after 18 h, 36 h and 48 h of growth. The assay for each gene was calibrated to the absolute concentration of template per ml reaction volume. Error bars show standard deviations from a total of six
assays. Figure 6 Transcription of SCO1774 and SCO4157 during development of S. coelicolor , analysed by S1 nuclease protection. A. Transcription of SCO1774 in parent strain M145 and J2401 (whiA mutant). B. Transcription of SCO4157 in the parent strain M145, J2401 (whiA mutant) and J2408 (whiH mutant). M marks Phospholipase D1 a lane with a DNA size marker (sizes given in bp). A lane containing a MAPK Inhibitor Library order diluted sample of the probe, and another lane with a control reaction with yeast tRNA are indicated. Fragments corresponding to putative transcription start points just upstream of SCO1774 and SCO4157 are indicated by “P”. “R” indicates read-through transcription and “probe” indicates probe-probe reannealing products. Figure 7 Promoter activity in developing spores. Derivatives of S. coelicolor strain M145 carrying different putative promoters fused to a promoterless mCherry were grown on MS agar to form spores. Spores were analyzed by phase contrast (left panel) and fluorescence microscopy (right panel), to detect the mCherry signal derived from activity of the specific promoters.