Mathematical theories of tracking error distributions were also d

Mathematical theories of tracking error distributions were also developed to improve the algorithms of determining sun position [14,15].With rapid advances in the computer technology and systems control fields in recent decades, the literature now contains many sophisticated sun tracking systems designed to maximize the efficiency of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. Broadly speaking, these systems can be classified as either closed-loop or open-loop types, depending on their mode of signal operation (Table 1). The remainder of this paper presents a systematic review of the operational principles and advantages of each of the major closed-loop and open-loop types of sun tracking systems presented in the literature over the past 20 years.Table 1.Performance of sun tracking systems [16-53].2.?Closed-loop Types of Sun Tracking SystemsClosed-loop types of sun tracking systems are based on feedback control principles. In these systems, a number of inputs are transferred to a controller from sensors which detect relevant parameters induced by the sun, manipulated in the controller and then yield outputs (i.e. sensor-based). In 1986, Akhmedyarov et al. [16] first increased the output power of a solar photoelectric station in Kazakhstan from 357 W to 500 W by integrating the station with an automatic sun tracking system. Several years later, Maish [17] developed a control system called SolarTrak to selleckchem Temsirolimus provide sun tracking, night and emergency storage, communication, and manual drive control functions for one- and two-axis solar trackers in a low-cost, user-friendly package. The control algorithm used a six-degree self-alignment routine and a self-adjusting motor actuation time in order to improve both the pointing accuracy and the system reliability. The experimental results showed that the control system enabled a full-day pointing accuracy of better than ��0.1�� to be achieved. In 1992, Agarwal [18] presented a two-axis tracking system consisting of worm gear drives and four bar-type kinematic linkages to facilitate the accurate focusing of the reflectors in a solar concentrator system. In the same year, Enslin [19] applied the principles of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to realize a power electronic converter for transforming the output voltage of a solar panel to the required DC battery bus voltage. An MPPT system consists of two basic components: a switchmode converter and a control/tracking section. The switchmode converter is the core of the entire system and allows energy at one potential to be drawn, stored as magnetic energy in an inductor, and then released at a different potential. By setting up the switchmode section in various different topologies, either high-to-low or low-to-high voltage converters can be constructed.

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