In summary, these data show that Fascin is regulated by canonical NF ��B signals not only in LMP1 transfected cells, but also in LMP1 e pressing, EBV transformed lymphoblastoid B cells. Fascin contributes to invasion of cancer cells and HTLV 1 transformed T lymphocytes, U0126 structure however, the relative contribution of Fascin to the motility of EBV transformed lymphocytes has not been investigated. To analyse whether inhibition of NF ��B, which leads to re duction of Fascin, also affects invasion of EBV transformed lymphocytes, LCL B cells were incubated in the presence of ACHP and serum starved for 4 h. Subsequently, invasion assays were performed util izing basement membrane coated inserts which separate the cells from medium with 20% fetal calf serum in the lower well.
Invasive cells are able to degrade the matri , pass through the pores of the polycarbonate mem brane, and attach either to the bottom of the membrane, or they migrate to the lower well after invasion. We did not detect different numbers of cells attached to the bottom of the membrane. This suggests that inhibition of NF ��B does not affect ad hesion of invaded LCLs to the membranes used in our assay. However, we observed that the number of invaded and non attached LCLs in the lower well was significantly Fascin protein, Western blot analysis was performed upon treatment of LCLs with low doses of ACHP. These data revealed that also Fascin protein is re duced upon treatment of LCLs with ACHP, despite the reduced to appro imately 11% in presence of ACHP com pared to the solvent control.
We observed slight reduction of cell vital ity in presence of the inhibitor, but we measured significant impairment of NF ��B activity and Fascin e pression. Therefore, we conclude that inhibition of NF ��B significantly reduces the migratory rate of LCLs subsequent to invasion of the e tracellular matri , and Fascin might contribute to this phenotype. Knockdown of Fascin reduces the invasive capacity of LMP1 e pressing lymphocytes. In studies focusing on NPC and cells of epithelial origin, LMP1 has been described as a potent regulator of cellular migration and invasion. To test, whether sole e pression of LMP1 induces invasion of lymphocytes, too, and whether this specifically Drug_discovery depends on Fascin, invasion assays were performed in transiently transfected cells.
For this purpose, Jurkat cells were transfected with LMP1 e pression plasmids, two different thoroughly shRNA constructs tar geting Fascin or unspecific control shRNAs. To increase the sensitivity of our analysis, cells were co transfected with an e pression plasmid for LNGFR, which encodes a cytoplasmic trun cated, low affinity nerve growth factor receptor that is not e pressed on Jurkat cells, and therefore allows positive selection of transfected cells by mag netic separation.