Hygrocybe intermedia and H aff citrinovirens from Tennessee are

Hygrocybe intermedia and H. aff. citrinovirens from Tennessee are included based on molecular and morphological data and H. virescens (Hesler & A.H. Smith) Montoya & Bandala is included based on morphological data. Comments Though some spores in H. intermedia are up to 13 μm long, most are less than 10 μm long, the pileipellis is similar to that of the type, and phylogenetic support for the clade is strong so it is included here. Hygrocybe aff. citrinovirens differs from H. intermedia only in having a smooth instead of a fibrillose stipe, but ITS sequences

places it closer to H. citrinovirens. Hygrocybe [subg. see more Hygrocybe ] sect. Chlorophanae (Herink) Arnolds ex Candusso, Hygrophorus. Fungi europ. (Alassio) 6: 464 (1997), = Godfrinia R. Maire em. Herink, sect. Ceraceae Herink, subsect. Chlorophaninae Herink, Acta. Mus. Bot. Sept. Lib. 1: 66 selleck screening library (1959). Type species: Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr. : Fr.) Wünsche, Die Pilze: 112 (1877) ≡ Agaricus chlorophanus Fr. : Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 1: 103 (1821). Pileus viscid or glutinous, red, orange or yellow, stipe viscid or not, hymenophoral trama hyphae parallel, exceeding 200 μm in length, with tapered ends and oblique septa; pileipellis an ixocutis or ixotrichodermium. Phylogenetic support Support for the H. chlorophana – H. flavescens clade is strong in the Supermatrix, ITS and LSU analyses (100 % MLBS; Figs. 2 and 3). The 4-gene analyses place H. chlorophana as sister to the clade LDK378 datasheet containing H.


(100 % MLBS and 1.0 BPP). Hygrocybe glutinipes appears as part of a grade near H. chlorophana in the Supermatrix, one of our LSU analyses (Fig. 3) Oxymatrine and ours and Dentinger et al.’s (unpublished) ITS analyses with varying levels of support. Lodge and Ovrebo (2008) found different topologies for placing H. glutinipes with or apart from H. chlorophana, and bootstrap support for the two together of <50 % up to 86 %. Species included Type species: H. chlorophana. Possibly H. flavescens, if distinct from H. chlorophana; placement of H. glutinipes is ambiguous but it is tentatively included. Comments Hygrocybe flavescens (Kauffman) Singer was described from Michigan, and may be a distinct species, especially if it corresponds to the eastern North American clade labeled H. flavescens. In fact, one of the soil clones from Michigan (GU174284) matched the ITS sequences of specimens identified as H. flavescens. Hygrocybe flavescens is said to have a viscid stipe whereas H. chlorophana has a moist or dry stipe, but this character is not always reliable. A hybrid ITS sequence was found in a collection with a viscid stipe from the Great Smoky Mountain National Park despite a 9–12 % divergence in ITS sequences between the two clades (Hughes et al. 2010; in press). Hygrocybe glutinipes may be part of a grade within subg. Hygrocybe near H. chlorophana but is unstable in its position; it could be retained in sect. Chlorophanae based on morphology. Species unplaced in subgen. Hygrocybe.

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