From November 10, the shallow ground temperature under every pavement begins to decrease. The maximum thawed depth in the embankment center Leukemia is far greater than the natural ground. But the maximum thawed depth in the embankment center is still less than the artificial one. Although the natural ground begins to freeze, the time of the asphalt pavement refreezing is apparently later than that of the concrete pavement.Figures Figures99 and and1010 show that for the embankments with widths of 12.0m and 21.5m, there are big differences at the ground temperature under pavements. The ground temperature curves are basically identical for the embankments with widths of 8.5m, 12.0m, and 21.5m. This indicates that pavement materials influence the difference distribution.
Particularly in summer, the shallow ground temperature differences are very obvious between the concrete pavement and the asphalt pavement. There are small shallow ground temperature differences between the concrete pavement and the asphalt pavement. This proves further that the concrete pavement has stronger temperature susceptibility than the black asphalt pavement.Figure 10Temperature values of the 50th year under concrete pavement and asphalt pavement (width of 21.5m).It is seen from Figures Figures99 and and1010 that in different seasons, pavement materials greatly have influence on the ground temperature under the embankment. On the contrary, pavement widths influence less the ground temperature under the embankment. Therefore, the ground temperature change under the embankment by the pavement material is more than that by the pavement widths.
In addition, the influence area of the temperature field under both the asphalt pavement and the concrete pavement is distant 5m or so from the embankment slope. Outside 5m distance from the embankment slope, the influence area of the temperature field under both the asphalt pavement and the concrete pavement becomes less. The influence area has begun to decrease with the increment of embankment height. 5. ConclusionsFrom the aforementioned results and analyses, we can find several significant conclusions for the thermal stability analysis under embankment with asphalt pavement and cement pavement in permafrost region.There is a ground temperature difference between asphalt pavement and concrete pavement at the same depth within 8m under pavement.
The ground temperature difference changes with the seasons. The difference is 2.2�C5.2��C Anacetrapib in summer while the difference is basically less than 1��C in winter.The maximum thawed depth difference between asphalt pavement and cement pavement decreases with the increment of the embankment height. The development rate of the maximum thawed depth begins to increase with the embankment height decreasing.