e , the transform coefficients have high values at positions corr

e., the transform coefficients have high values at positions corresponding to the edges and zeros elsewhere. Since sensitivity encoding (modulation), do not affect the position of the discontinuities in the sensitivity encoded coil images, the positions of the high valued transform coefficients of the coil images will be the same for all.Our reconstruction method is based on the fact that the position of the high valued transform coefficients in the different sensitivity encoded coil images remain the same. Based on the precepts of Compressed Sensing (CS) we formulated the reconstruction as a row-sparse Multiple Measurement Vector (MMV) recovery problem. Our method produces one sensitivity encoded image corresponding to each receiver coil in a fashion similar to GRAPPA and SPiRIT.

Both of these methods reconstruct the final image as a sum-of-squares of the sensitivity encoded images. In this paper, we will follow the same combination technique.Row-sparse MMV optimization can be either formulated as a synthesis prior or an analysis prior problem. However it is not known apriori which of these formulations will yield a better result. Even though the synthesis prior is more popular, it has been found that the analysis prior yields better results than the synthesis prior. Both of the analysis and the synthesis prior formulations can either be convex or non-convex. The Spectral Projected Gradient algorithm [8] can solve the convex synthesis prior problem efficiently. There is no efficient algorithm to solve the analysis prior problem.

In the past, it has been found that for both synthesis and analysis prior, better reconstruction results can be obtained with non-convex optimization [9�C11]. Following previous studies, we intend to employ non-convex optimization for solving the reconstruction problem. Since algorithms for solving such optimization problems do not exist, in this work, we derive fast but simple algorithms to solve the non-convex synthesis and analysis prior problems.2.?Proposed Reconstruction TechniqueThe K-space data acquisition model for multi-coil parallel MRI scanner is given by:yi=F��xi+��i,i=1��C(1)where yi is the K-space data for the ith coil, F�� is the Fourier mapping from the image space to the K-space (�� is the set of sample points, for Cartesian sampling, F�� can be expressed as RF, where R is a mask and F is the Fast Fourier Transform, but for non-Cartesian sampling, viz.

Spiral, rosetta Batimastat and radial, F�� is a non-uniform Fourier transform), xi is the vectorized sensitivity encoded image (formed by row concatenation) corresponding to the ith coil, ��i is the noise and C is the total number of receiver coils.Since the receiver coils only partially sample the K-space, the number of K-space samples for each coil is less than the size of the image to be reconstructed. Thus, the reconstruction problem is under-determined.

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