Calcium induces migration and proliferation of bone metastatic RCC cells through CaSR and its signaling pathways and fi nally promotes bone metastasis. The function of CaSR as a prognostic marker has to be evaluated in additional pro spective studies. Methods Specimens Tissue samples have been obtained below sterile circumstances from 33 sufferers with main RCC who underwent nephrectomy at the Division of Urology, Johannes Gutenberg University Health-related Center, Mainz, Germany. The study was performed in agreement order NU6027 using the Declar ation of Helsinki and authorized by local ethics committee. Informed consent was ob tained from each patient. Samples from tumor tissue and typical renal cortex, obtained in the opposite kidney pole at a minimum of 3 cm in the tumor, have been shock frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at ?80 C to get a period of no less than 5 years.
The diagnosis of RCC was determined by hematoxylin and eosin sections. The development of metastatic internet sites within five years right after nephrectomy varied, 11 non metastasized, 11 metastasized in to the lung and 11 me tastasized into article source bones. Tumor specimens had been stratified as outlined by histological tumor form, grading, staging, gender, sufferers age and tumor size. Quantitative RT PCR for CaSR mRNA Total RNA was isolated from renal tissue using a RNA CaSR isolation kit. RNA from every tissue was reverse transcribed working with a cDNA synthesis kit for RT PCR. cDNA was amplified using a CaSR precise forward primer, and a reverse primer mol. CaSR certain amplification was performed inside a ten ul mixture applying five ul of Light Cycler 480 Cyber Green I Master and 1 ul with the cDNA sample.
Thermocycling consisted of 50 cycles at 95 C for 5 sec, 61 C for 5 sec and 72 C for 10 sec, followed by a final melting at 95 C. RT PCR of TBP and B actin from all samples was performed simultaneously for reference, working with the arithmetic typical of those residence maintaining genes. Cells and cell culture Main RCC cells had been isolated from tumor specimens of individuals establishing bone, lung or no metastases within 5 years immediately after nephrectomy. Prepar ation of cells was performed in agreement with all the Dec laration of Helsinki and authorized by nearby ethics committee. Tumor speci mens of about 1 cm2 had been obtained from renal tumors shortly after nephrectomy under sterile condi tions, separated mechanically using a scalpel and dissoci ated with 1 mg ml collagenase II for 30 min at 37 C. To complete dissociation, the samples have been pressed by means of a 70 um cell strainer. Soon after centrifugation at 1000 rpm for ten min, the cell pel lets have been dissolved in AmnioMAX C100 Basal Medium which includes AmnioMAX C100 Supplement. Cells had been incu bated at 37 C inside a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2 in air. Epithelial origin was confirmed by immunocyto chemical staining of cytokeratins.