argus G Y T R C W Year (Y) 0.18 1 Temperature (T) 0.01 −0.84 1
Radiation (R) 0.00 −0.32 0.06 1 Cloudiness (C) 0.07 0.87 −0.65 −0.55 1 Wind speed (W) 0.18 0.99 −0.83 −0.30 0.86 1 LY3039478 manufacturer Appendix 3 See Fig. Fig. 5 Effect of wind speed on observed duration of flying and non-flying bouts for C. pamphilus, based on survival analysis. Width of bars shows duration of behaviour VDA chemical inhibitor type relative to baseline situation (low wind speed), where non-flight behaviour can consist of more than one behaviour type; P values from Z score test: **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.005; number of flying bouts: 853; number of non-flying bouts: 870. Appendix 4 See Table 9. Table 9 Number of individuals, and mean and standard deviation in proportion of time spent flying per individual Species Statistic Low, T Intermediate, T High, T Low, R Intermediate, R High, R C. pamphilus n 37 57 8 40 49 13 Mean 11.09 13.35 14.94 7.77 15.97 15.21 Stdev 16.20 18.45 23.96 12.35 20.85 18.93 M. jurtina n 15 21 5 18 15 8 Mean 15.70 22.05 11.00 19.16 8.37 26.17 Stdev 24.18 25.09 11.58 24.95 9.25 25.50 M. athalia n 6 9 7 9 11 2 Mean 3.07 19.13 22.81 10.80 14.83 44.99 Stdev 2.63 23.77 23.30 12.20 23.35 25.41 P. argus n 6 10 6 8 5 9 Mean 9.87 20.84 24.05 11.30 25.03 21.81 Stdev 6.98 23.76 25.58 10.49 22.52 26.83 Species Statistic Low, C Intermediate, C High, C Low, W Intermediate, W High, W C. pamphilus n 18 48 36 21 51 30 Mean 26.84 12.24 6.12 22.95 10.36 9.35 GABA Receptor Stdev 29.26 14.86 8.62 26.54 13.28 15.50 M. jurtina n 6 13 22 19 20 2 Mean 4.52 31.54 14.38 17.05 21.14 3.44 Stdev 3.37 25.81 22.01 25.87 22.12 2.99 M. athalia n 8 8 6 19 2 1 Mean 29.29 2.90 15.46 17.92 4.03 1.83 Stdev 28.30 2.43 12.57 21.94 1.37 – P. argus n 11 5 6 16 1 5 Mean
23.63 18.54 9.87 22.04 10.71 9.71 Stdev 25.89 20.01 6.98 23.65 – 7.79 References Anderson BJ, Akcakaya HR, Araujo MB, Fordham DA, Martinez-Meyer E, Thuiller W, Brook BW (2009) Dynamics of range margins for metapopulations under climate change. Proc R Soc B Biol Sci 276:1415–1420CrossRef Barry RG, Chorley RJ (2003) Atmosphere, weather and climate. Routledge, London Berry PM, Jones AP, Nicholls RJ, Vos CC (2007) Assessment of the vulnerability of terrestrial and coastal habitats and species in Europe to climate change, Annex 2 of planning for biodiversity in a changing climate-BRANCH project.