As a result, part of the carbon is channeled through the glyoxyla

As a result, part of the carbon is channeled through the glyoxylate pathway, less CO2 is produced selleck chemicals llc in the TCA cycle and the extra CO2 saved is not lost in the oxaloacetate to PEP reaction, contributing to the higher biomass yield observed in these strains. This corresponds with the lower CO2 yields of these strains in Figure 1A. Under GS-4997 purchase glucose limitation, relative fluxes around the PEP-pyruvate-oxaloacetate node are higher as opposed to under glucose excess. Not only the flux converting pyruvate to acetyl-CoA at

the entrance of the TCA cycle is increased, but also the glyoxylate pathway is active and gluconeogenic fluxes from malate to pyruvate and from oxaloacetate to PEP are higher compared to under batch conditions. These reactions create the PEP-glyoxylate Nocodazole cost cycle. This novel metabolic cycle was identified quite recently [21] and functions as an alternative to the TCA cycle for the oxidation of carbohydrates. Similar to the TCA cycle, this pathway produces CO2, i.e. in the reaction

from OAA to PEP. As a result of the simultaneous activity of the TCA cycle and the PEP-glyoxylate cycle, more glucose is oxidized to CO2 compared to batch cultures in order to produce energy and meet the higher maintenance demand [36]. This is in accordance with the higher CO2 production and O2 consumption observed in glucose limited cultures (see Figure 1B vs 1A). Another effect observed between glucose limiting and abundant growth conditions is the reduced flux from 6-phosphogluconate to Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 pentose-5-P

by 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gnd) for all strains in glucose limiting conditions (see Figure 5B vs 5A), which could be explained by the reduced transcription of gnd at lower growth rates [54–56]. Glyoxylate pathway flux data and regulation of the aceBAK operon The glyoxylate pathway flux data can also be used to investigate the interplay of different regulators on the aceBAK operon. Under batch conditions, when Crp-cAMP levels are low and Crp cannot perform its activating role, no aceBAK transcription occurs and the glyoxylate pathway is inactive. However when the aceBAK repressor IclR is absent (i.e. in the ΔiclR strain), the glyoxylate pathway is active. This is illustrated by calculating the AceA/(AceA + Icd) flux ratio, which is much higher in the ΔiclR strain (32%) compared to the wild type (0%). This shows that Crp activation is not absolutely necessary for transcription. The absence of the repressor IclR is sufficient to obtain glyoxylate pathway activity. On the contrary, under glucose limitation, Crp-cAMP levels are high [2], the aceBAK transcription is enhanced and the glyoxylate bypass is active even in the presence of the repressor IclR. This is in line with the high value of the AceA/(AceA + Icd) flux ratio of the wild type (55%) compared to under batch conditions (0%).

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