1 we JQ-EZ-05 order combined the species richness maps from the cross-validation by the following inverse distance weighted approach: $$ S_w,\rm LOOCV = \sum\limits_i = 3^10 \left( d_i^ – p \right. \cdot \left. \left( S_i,\rm LOOCV \right. – \left. S_i – 1,\rm LOOCV \right) \right) + S_2,\rm LOOCV $$ (4)Dividing the resulting LOOCV-estimate \( S_w,\textLOOCV \) by the weighted interpolation
estimate S w (for the distances 3–10, otherwise identical to Eq. 1) yielded the mean robustness of the weighted species richness estimation per quadrat. Fig. 8 Ratio between the species richness estimate by LOOCV and by weighted interpolation of the species richness centers identified in Fig. 3b. Similar richness estimates (ratios near 1) indicate that the interpolation results in an area are less
influenced by the leave-one-out cross-validation and therefore https://www.selleckchem.com/products/NVP-AUY922.html see more robust References Andersen M, Thornhill AD, Koopowitz H (1997) Tropical forest disruption and stochastic biodiversity losses. In: Laurance WF, Bierregaard RO (eds) Tropical forest remnants: ecology, management, and conservation of fragmented communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Barthlott W, Biedinger N, Braun G, Feig F, Kier G, Mutke J (1999) Terminological and methodological aspects of the mapping and analysis of the global biodiversity. Acta Bot Fenn 162:103–110 Barthlott W, Mutke J, Rafiqpoor MD, Kier G, Kreft H (2005) Global centers of vascular plant diversity. Nova Acta Leopold
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