Although observational AZD0530 clinical trial studies do not use randomized treatment assignment, evaluation of interventions is possible with an appropriate statistical adjustment, but only if the plausibility of statistical assumptions is carefully evaluated. This data analytic strategy was illustrated with evaluations of acute and maintenance antidepressant effectiveness using the NIMH CDS data for longitudinal, observational analyses of ordered categorical antidepressant doses. Propensity score adjusted Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical analyses demonstrated that participants receiving higher doses during an episode were significantly more likely to recover, even though subjects
who received higher doses Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical tended to be more severely ill. Similarly, participants who received a higher dose of maintenance antidepressant therapy were significantlyless likely to have a recurrence. The propensity adjustment provides an opportunity to examine treatment effects in lieu of randomization. However, there are critical assumptions of this approach. First, it is useful to examine the degree to which between-treatment group Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical balance has been achieved with the propensity adjustment. Second,
it is essential that the treatment by propensity quintile interaction is tested before pooling quintile specific results. This is because an interaction would signify that the treatment effect varied across quintiles and those quintile-specific results must be reported separately. Third, Rubin highlighted the importance of selection of variables for a propensity score prior to seeing the outcome data.21 This parallels the practice of designating a primary outcome variable and a primary data analytic procedure in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical an RCT protocol, prior to collecting data. Finally, D’Agostino and D’Agostino provide an overview of the propensity adjustment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and emphasize make that it is not a panacea, particularly with the assumption of no unmeasured confounding variables.22 A mis-specified propensity model will not reduce
as much bias as a model that includes all confounding variables. Simulation studies have shown this with cross-sectional23 and longitudinal data.24 It is therefore important to conduct sensitivity Thymidine kinase analyses.25 Randomization, in and of itself, does not insulate an RCT from threats to internal validity. Two common features ol antidepressant RCT implementation introduce an observational aspect to group assignment. First, attrition, which is highly prevalent in trials ol psychiatric interventions, introduces bias and reduces statistical power, feasibility, and generalizability. There are wellaccepted strategies for reducing the impact of attrition. Adherence to the principle of intention to treat, in which all randomized subjects are included in the primaryanalyses, is critically important.